Monday, August 31, 2009

New Spreadsheets Tab

I've just created a new tab (look at top of page) titled Spreadsheets. This is a very easy way for you to send me any spreadsheet work you'd like me to take a look at. Some of you won't need this at all, some of you may work with Raylene on your spreadsheet work, but for some of you this will be a nice convenient way to send your work to me and then get feedback.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Session 2 on Variation

There are some follow-up items from our class yesterday. First, I have posted the audio presentation from yesterday's class that totals about 2 hours. This is an optional download. Second, I also posted the five group draft surveys developed yesterday. Again, this is an optional download. You can download both of these resources at the Variation Session 2 webpage.

Today I've also activated the Problem Set 3 and 4 answer pages. You have until September 9th to complete both. In addition, the Knowledge Dig 3 assignment has also been activated, and again you have until September 9th to complete. Make sure to read the instructions for Dig 3 as this is a more detailed conversation since we now have 10 days instead of 5 days to discuss issues surround effect size.

Finally, I'll post explicit instructions for how groups can get me their final versions of their surveys later this week (Wed or Thurs). Not all groups need to have "final" surveys done before next class, but when I have complete surveys then I will make sure to post them and invite you (and some other students in other classes) to complete them. However, we should collect complete data for all 5 surveys before our September 26th class.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Session 3 Materials Ready

All of the learning materials for Session 3 on Effect Size are ready to be downloaded. No new resources have been posted, but the page itself has been updated so it's clearer which items are required versus those that are optional. Make sure you can download these items before this upcoming Saturday class. If you experience problems, then let me know. I'll bring a USB flash drive that you can use to transfer the materials to your computer in class.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reminders & Updates

I'm posting some quick updates and reminders for all of you.

Personalizing your Disqus account. Many of you haven't personalized your Disqus account yet with a suitable short display name and image avatar. Please make sure to do this before Saturday. Discus has just changed how you do these kinds of things as of this morning. The changes are for the better, but everything looks a bit different at the Disqus site. In turn I've created a short 4.5 minute movie to show you how to personalize your account. The movie is posted at the Home page in both a downloadable and pop-up movie formats.

Live Audio from Session 1. I'll only record audio from a class if I know in advance that someone will be missing the session. That said, there may be some of you who would like to have a copy of the live audio from Session 1. Not a problem! Just head over to the Overview page within the Learn section to download this audio MP3 file.

Laptops and Headphones. This is a reminder that I want everyone to bring in their laptop plus a set of headphones/earplugs to our upcoming Saturday class. If you don't have any headphones then please email me so I can bring some in for you.

Technology Survey. The deadline for submitting this survey was last night. Everyone completed the assignment before the deadline. Many thanks! (Tonight is the deadline for the "My Exciting Summer" assignment.)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Commenting System

After investigating the very recent changes to the service I was using for hosting this website's comments, I found their new service to be . . . terrible. Seven days ago the company I was using completely changed their commenting features. Typically this involves refining or expanding features (which would have been fine), but this particular company decided to get rid of almost all of their good features and replace them with marketing hype. So after several hours of thought and work, I've redone this website to work with a new commenting service named Disqus (pronounced discuss).

As of today the Disqus page replaces the old "Discuss" page. Most of you have not added any comments yet, but for those of you that have, you'll need to resubmit. If you made a longish comment then just email me and I can send you the full content of your previous comments.

By far the best way to submit a comment is to first create a Disqus profile. This is very easy as you'll only have two options when adding a comment for the first time: comment as a guest or comment via a Disqus profile. To create a profile click on the DProfile link (see screenshot below).
class sessions
When you click on the DProfile link up will pop a registration window! You don't even need to go to another website. Here's what it looks like:

class sessions
The advantage of using a Disqus profile is that it will subsequently be easy to track the various comments of any given person in the class.

I'll briefly discuss the positive features of Disqus at our first class, but amongst those key features is the ability to sort comments, subscribe by email to the complete commenting thread (a big feature), to submit new comments via email, the ability to edit and remove comments, and more. Check it all out at:

Raylene Potter: Statistics Coach

The entry below is from Raylene Potter:

My name is Raylene Potter and I will be your Graduate Assistant for Applied Statistics this fall. I am a second-year student in the Learning and Instruction program. I have been very impressed with the doctoral program at USF, and would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to the program!

One of my true passions is teaching statistics. I have a master’s degree in statistics and currently teach math and stats at Hartnell and Gavilan colleges. For twenty years, I worked as a statistical programmer/analyst in the educational research division of McGraw-Hill. Approximately two years ago, I decided to resign from the corporate day job, and expanded various adjunct positions into full-time teaching.

My purpose as a Graduate Assistant is to provide you with support, wherever it is needed. No question is too basic…though the more complicated questions I may refer to Dr. Mitchell!

My planned onsite office hours will be from 5:15 - 6:15 pm, every teaching weekend Saturday, in your Applied Stats classroom. I also have scheduled phone-in or online office hours from 5:00 - 7:00 pm every Friday. Please feel free to call me or email me at any time. I will try to respond to messages within a reasonable timeframe.

My cell phone is: (831) 334 - 7438

The best email address to use is:

I look forward to working with you this semester. I know that for many of you, the idea of a doctoral level applied stats class is dreadful. Please let me help- I truly love statistics and am very willing to be at your service.

Looking forward to a great semester!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Syllabus Updates

I sent out an email to students earlier this week. As the days roll on I'm finding more and more small typos and glitches in the syllabus itself. I may find more! None of these awkwardnesses change the content of the syllabus, but nonetheless are blemishes I need to eliminate. If you download the syllabus today, it will be slightly different from three days ago. Put differently, the current syllabus should be treated as a pre-release version. I will always post new updates to the syllabus as needed to the website. It's not important that you check for these, and all the key assignments, etc. are exactly the same. I will bring the final version of the syllabus to our first class meeting.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Welcome to Applied Statistics! This is the Fall 2009 semester version of the course. Our first live meeting will be on Saturday, August 22 @ 2:30 p.m. I've sent out an email to all pre-registered students in the course so you can get a bit of a head start if you want. I'm doing this because the beginning of our semester is a bit hectic with teaching weekends on both August 22 and August 29. Your first task is to read all of the news entries below this one to get some key information about the course.

Getting Started

You have a variety of learning materials to download for Sessions 1 and 2. All of the Session 1 print materials I will distribute in class. However it's useful to also download the electronic versions of the documents (such as the course syllabus).

For Session 2 you'll have a collection of learning materials including an audiobook, a QuickTime movie, and more.

Notice that you can access the learning materials for a class session by going to the Learn section (see top tabs) then selecting the appropriate class (see options just under the banner image). Alternatively use the Sidebar and scroll down a wee bit until you see the area labelled Learning Materials. This provides you with direct links to all of the class session learning materials.

Five Assignments

The beginning of this particular semester is quite difficult since class 1 and class 2 are only one week apart. I have made some accommodations for this, but nonetheless there are still a number of things that need to be accomplished in this first week. Beyond using the learning materials for Session 1 (Overview) and Session 2 (Variation), you have five assignments to complete:

Technology Survey
This will take you less than 5 minutes. You can easily complete it during your first weekend. There's nothing you need to learn before you take this survey.

My Exciting Summer
This is a very simple assignment to make sure all of you know how to use the commenting system built into this course's website. Again, this assignment could easily take you less than 10 minutes to complete.

Knowledge Dig 2
This assignment can't be done until after you've used the learning materials on variation. It's where you need to post at least one comment or question about the content in the learning materials.

Problem Set 1
Once you've done this homework problem set, this is where you'll submit your answers.

Problem Set 2
Once you've done this homework problem set, this is where you'll submit your answers.

Please note that all of the assignments for an upcoming class will always be posted at the top of the Sidebar (see the far right top of the screen under the banner image). In this area you'll see when each assignment is due and you'll be provided with a link that takes you directly to the relevant page.

Mobile Devices

This website is iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android enabled. This means the website can identify whether you are using a web browser or if you are using one of the 3 mobile devices listed above. If you are using an iPhone/Touch/Android then you'll see a version of the website that contains the same information but has been formatted to read much more easily, and load much more quickly, on those devices.

The menu options work a bit differently on the mobile devices to optimize space. But you will be able to navigate everything, see text at a good and easy reading size, plus more.

The mobile device version of this website is not good for downloading materials, and probably not good (though possible) for submitting your knowledge dig comments. But the mobile device version of the website can be great for keeping up to date with new posts in the News section or new comments in either the News or Office sections. So if you have one of the devices listed above, insert this course's web address, bookmark it in your device, and use as best fits your learning needs.