Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Example Paper

I am posting one example of a "model" paper. I use that word somewhat loosely since this paper is not perfect in a few ways. You'll easily notice the APA headings are off, for example. Despite the relatively minor flaws, the basic guts of this report demonstrates clear and complete research writing. (I should mention that several other students also had very good papers.)There is no need to download this paper, and the author shall remain anonymous, but it may be helpful for some of you.
Big Caveat:You should view this paper as a general way to approach writing a paper. For example, in this paper the author provides some citations with references at the end. That was fine for the paper, but you should not "extract" from this example that you also need to have citations and references. As per anything in life you need to be a savvy consumer (i.e. savvy extractor of useful tips for your own writing).

Vancouver and e-Learn

I'm in Vancouver this week attending the e-Learn conference. On Friday morning I make a presentation on the use of "research alouds." Put differently, I won't be responding to emails this week.

I haven't been in Vancouver in over 20 years. It's always been a beautiful place, but I really like the makeup of the population here. This is probably the most international city I've been to (perhaps more so than London or Paris). There's a great vibe here. So between the conference and walking about the city, I'm enjoying an invigorating week. See you soon!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Session 6 Updates

I'm posting the Session 6 update materials very quickly as I'll be at the eLearn conference in Vancouver, Canada all this upcoming week. There are several handouts I used in class—some about the F-test and some about the Report projects you are doing. Please download and explore the handouts if you were not in class today.

Unfortunately someone borrowed my microphone this week and accidentally put the recording volume at the absolute lowest level! As a result, in order to get the volume up to a decent volume meant also introducing a lot of hiss into the final recording. If you missed the class this recording is better than nothing, but it's not up to the usual clean recording quality. Like the handouts, this audio can be downloaded at the Session 6 page about F-tests.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Session 7 Materials Ready

All of the learning materials for Session 7 on the t-test are ready to download. Make sure you can download these items before this upcoming Saturday class. If you experience problems, then let me know. I'll bring a USB flash drive that you can use to transfer the materials to your computer in class.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Problem Set 7 Error

Problem Set 7 had some spacing problems (cosmetic, but irritating) and had one substantive problem. I've corrected it. If you re-download Problem Set 7 then you'll get the correct version (either below or in the original location at the F-test page).

Specifically the table for problems 2 through 9 should have 76 as the df Within and not "72" as given. You can either write in 76, or re-download.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dissertation FAQs Form

I briefly told all of you about a Dissertation FAQs form that we had created for the L&I Department website. In the background we are working on making the Dissertations section of the website much stronger. One of the ways we want to do that is to include a Frequently Asked Questions page where we can give extended responses.

In theory all of this makes sense, but in practice we need to be able to respond to real questions that real students have. Put simply, we need you!

Thus I've added an extra assignment for you over the next two weeks: to submit at least one question via the Dissertation FAQS form we've provided. Of course, you can submit more than one question if you want. I've set up the form so that once you submit one question you'll then be recycled back to a blank Dissertation FAQ form—in this way it's easy to submit multiple questions, or just submit one and go back to surfing Amazon!

Whether you are a new student, or a wiley veteran, your questions will help us create a more useful webpage for future students. Many thanks in advance.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Session 5 Updates

I have updated the Session 5 page on Inference to include the live audio plus the handouts from our class meeting on October 10th. If you want to download either of these, then just go to the Inference page in the Learn section.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Session 6 Materials Ready

All of the learning materials for Session 6 on the F-test are ready to download. Make sure you can download these items before this upcoming Saturday class. If you experience problems, then let me know. I'll bring a USB flash drive that you can use to transfer the materials to your computer in class.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sorting & Multiple Sheets in Excel

A few people have asked questions about sorting in Excel and also how to handle the creation of multiple sheets. I've uploaded a short 5 minute video that explains both of these procedures—just go to the Reports section to view the video. I hope this is helpful to some of you.

Problem Set 6 Issue

I was recently alerted to a "problem" with the Problem Set 6 submittal form. If you have not submitted your answers yet, then no problem! However, for the nine of you that have already submitted you can do one of two things:

Option 1: Resubmit you answers which will now allow you to include your name.

Option 2: Send me an email telling me the day and approximate time you posted. This can be helpful as I do have info on the exact time and day every submission was made.